

What is matter?
-Anything that has mass and takes up space
proporties of matters
Three states:
- Solid: dont change shape easilyexperiences small change in volume when heated
- Liquid: takes the shape in the container and experience
- gases: takes the shape of the container and experiences drastic in volumn when heated

-Pure Substance 
        -one set of proporties
        -one kind of particle    
         /                              \
 element                         compound          
 - (cannot                        -made of element
be elecomposd)            -chemically combined
-made of  atom              -smallest particle is molecule
   /                  \                           /                     \
metal      non-metal                  Ionic               covalent

       -more than on set of proporties and substances
        -physically combined
         /                               \
homogeneous                     heterogeneous  
-uniform throughour             -not uniform
-appears to have only          -appears to have more than one components
one component                   Example: water+oil
Example: Solution

Physical Change                                                        Chemical Change
-no new substance is formed                                       -new substance is produced
-chemical composition doesnt change                          -irreversible
Example:meliting / boiling point                                    Example:buring+cooking+rotting

