

What is matter?
-Anything that has mass and takes up space
proporties of matters
Three states:
- Solid: dont change shape easilyexperiences small change in volume when heated
- Liquid: takes the shape in the container and experience
- gases: takes the shape of the container and experiences drastic in volumn when heated

-Pure Substance 
        -one set of proporties
        -one kind of particle    
         /                              \
 element                         compound          
 - (cannot                        -made of element
be elecomposd)            -chemically combined
-made of  atom              -smallest particle is molecule
   /                  \                           /                     \
metal      non-metal                  Ionic               covalent

       -more than on set of proporties and substances
        -physically combined
         /                               \
homogeneous                     heterogeneous  
-uniform throughour             -not uniform
-appears to have only          -appears to have more than one components
one component                   Example: water+oil
Example: Solution

Physical Change                                                        Chemical Change
-no new substance is formed                                       -new substance is produced
-chemical composition doesnt change                          -irreversible
Example:meliting / boiling point                                    Example:buring+cooking+rotting


Scientific Notation&Evaluation

Scientif notation=Exponential notation
  •  is used to express very large or small numbers to be convinient.
  •  In scientif notation, all numbers are written like this: a × 10b ((1 ≤ |a| < 10))

       Ex: Express in scientific form:
           Ex: Express in standward form:


E notation:
           Most calculators and many computer programs present very large and very small results in scientific notation. Because superscripted exponents like 107 cannot always be conveniently represented on computers, typewriters and calculators, an alternative format is often used: the letter E or e represents times ten raised to the power of, thus replacing the × 10, followed by the value of the exponent.
   Ex:    2.5---->Exp8----
                      ----> Ee8


Even more unitary rates: If

Ex: Convert: